Weekly Vocaloid Feature - 9

Turn the volume up. Waaay up. This song sounds great loud.

 Title: 9 (Nine)
Producer: AVTechNO!
Illustration: Kazune
PV: anri
Genre: Vocarock, Electric
Vocaloid: 巡りルカ
Vintage: 11/06/10

Kenn's Comment: Not sure about that date. It's the date AVTechNO put it up on his YT channel, so I'm not actually sure about the date. But I like the song. You might notice that the english pronounciate is spot on. Sometimes it sounds like some of the Japanese is pronoucned with an english accent, but maybe that's just me.

In other news, I was playing a VN last night. Cosmic Break was down, and I still can't start it up. Anywho, I noticed I hadn't saved for an hour or so, so I decided to save. But the Save and Load screens look exactly the same, and with my lack of glasses they were the same thing to me. So I ended up loading a save file from an hour before. I rage quitted, though I'll probably have to get back to that spot again. "orz

Testing to see how weekly series show up this template.

Song of the Week - じぶんROCK

Feel like I've posted this one up before.

Switching up Webcomics with SoTW this week for the sake of continuity.

Title: じぶんROCK, Jibun ROCK
Genre: Rock
Single: じぶんROCK
Album: Niche Syndrome
Vintage: 4/28/10

Kenn's Comment: The animation in the PV is kinda creepy. Anywho, it's more OOR goodness. Kind of old, but I had this on my list, so I figured I'd take care of it now. Not the first time OOR has been up on the SoTW. If memory serves me correct, it was 完全感覚Dreamer that was up.

Summer Anime Previews 4 - 祝福のカンパネラ

Image from Danbooru

Let's go on a journey with gorgeous gals! Take me away!

Same as the one of the main blog. Testing to see how it looks over here. Last phase of testing this template before I port it over to the mother ship.

Regarding the Poll

Hey. Kenn here. I figured that since the poll is on this one, and not the main one,
I should take some time to explain things here as well.

1. Vertical Line

2. Horizontal Line

3. 2x2 Box

Final Stage Mid Boss

 Image by ume

Testing. Will be applying this template to main blog soon.

A Day with Kenn 27

Image by musuneko  

Like usual, nothing happened today. =3=

A Day with Kenn 26

Image by kanikama  

Not much happened. Played some Demon's Soul in the morning, got the piano tuned, watched a movie, and ate. =3= Livin' the dream?

Manga of ze Week - Feel-Good series

Image by mameshibasan  

Had a bit of difficulty deciding what to put up this week. Double feature's have been eating through my reserve list. Some of the series coming up might be not as great as past ones. ごめなさい。

Picture isn't of the manga, though it's definitely related to one of them.

Title: バーテンダー, Bartender
Author: Joh Araki (story), Nagatomo Kenji (art)
Genre: Seinen, drama, slice of life
Serialized in: Shueisha Super Jump
Total Volume Count: 15

Summary from MangaUpdates:
The story of the Sasakura Ryu and Eden Hall, a small cocktail bar in the Chiba area of Tokyo, where troubled customers come for the "glass of the gods," which with Ryu's assistance helps them to resolve their often highly emotional problems.

The above is the synopsis of the anime. In the manga, Ryu starts out working in a bar called Lapin.
Kenn's Comment: I get the feeling this, like Black Lagoon, though on a completely different plate, is a bit of a love-it-or-hate-it kind of manga. People who really into action and fanservice might not find it too palatable, though slice of life enthusiasts might love it. It's definitely better than it sounds, and the synopsis doesn't really do the series justice. Give it a try!

Title: ばらかもん, Barakamon
Author: Yoshino Satsuki
Genre: Shounen, Comedy, Slice of Life
Serialized in: Square Enix GanGan Powered
Total Volume Count: 1 (ongoing)

Summary from MangaUpdates:
As a punishment for punching a famous Calligrapher, young handsome Calligrapher Handa Seishu is exiled on a small island. As someone who has never lived outside of a city, Handa has to adapt to his new wacky neighbors, like people traveling on a tractor, unwanted visitors who never use the front door, annoying kids using his home as a playground, etc. Can this city guy handle all the crazy hardships? Find out in this wacky island comedy full of innocence and laughter!!!
Kenn's Comment: Duuuude, I love this manga. It's got a nice feel to it. I suppose you could almost compare it to Yotsuba&! It's really cute, and all the characters are really fun. Give this one a try for sure!

A Day with Kenn 25

Image by oryou  

Uneventful day. That is all. Keep reading though.

Dinner from yesterday. Pork chops, with tomatoes, broccoli, rice and a fried egg. Tasty and filling. Also very nutritious. With the exception of the broccoli, you can get a plate like this at my folk's restaurant.

Anyways, didn't do much in the morning. Further tortured myself after a grueling 6 hours of criminology yesterday with some Demon's Soul. It's kind of like having a math test right after a physics test, just not.

Our dog ran out when my mom was pulling into the drive way. We have an automatic gate, similar to a garage door, so it has to open for her to get her car into the drive way. It takes a while, and is a wonderful opportunity for the dog to escape.  He never really runs very far. Usually less than a block before he'll stop. This time around he was pretty much next door. He makes the cutest growling sounds though. Can't really tell if he's angry because he growls but doesn't do anything else.

Anywho, went out to get some stuff. A new mouse, since my old one was starting to die, and a floor protector. The wood under my chair was starting to chip, so I wanted to keep the floor in one piece. Got the floor protector from Ikea. ^^; It's name was Kolon. Got a cheap mouse from Staples on the way back.

That's a slice of soursop. Like the Sugar Apple that I had in my previous Day with Kenn post, it's chock full o' seeds. It's kind of stringy like a Jackfruit, but definitely is much more moist. My brother doesn't seem to like any of the Asian fruits lying around. He's definitely much more white washed than I am. I'm probably the vestigial Asian of the family.
Image by suou sakura  

=3= The song title isn't AVTechNO! He's the producer of the two songs. Good ones too.

Acid NEL (初音ミク)

It's a remix of NEL by AVTechZO! The original is pretty good too. There's a Luka version of the original. All credits are on the video.

DARKNEL 鏡音リン·レン

A remix of Rin's NEL I think. Again, remixed by AVTechZO!. Credits on the video. It's such an awesome song.

A Day with Kenn 24

Image from Danbooru 

=3= I should be working hard, but at the moment, I'm hardly working.

My copy of Finale came to the door step today. Delayed by a day because I didn't fill the order form out right. Need to put myself through various tutorials to figure out how to use it, and how to input notes using a MIDI controller. Customs charges was $52. About 20% of the cost of the program. ;o;

And for those who are wondering, "Why didn't you just buy it in Canada?". For all I know, I don't think I can get an Academic discount from a store that sells it. The academic discount cuts the price almost by 50%, making it that much more affordable. 

Lunch for Kenn. Fit for a king. ^^; Spaghetti in the middle, 糖水(tong sui) on the right, red rice from Chinese New Years above it. A sweet pastry of sorts on the left of the spaghetti, and a Sugar apple at the top.

The pastry was beautifully packaged though. I love the box. Don't know where it's from. My dad probably got it as a freebie from one of the customers who worked at a bakery or something. Happens quite often. It tasted something like a honey castella with an orange jam filling. It was in a plastic wrapper inside the box, but I believe that it looks much more appetizing without the plastic.

The Sugar apple. I know Izzy loves, and I also know that she shouldn't be near a computer for the weekend because of an outing, so I'll put these up just to torment her when she gets back. On the left is a partially peeled sugar apple. On the right are it's remains. Lots and lots of seeds, and pieces of it's outer skin. Probably will devour the soursop today. I'll remember to photo it.

On the other hand, I'm still working on my Criminology stuff. So much to do, and I don't feel like doing any of it. Why did I even take Criminology. =3= I should get back to hardly working working hard.
Image by teriyaki  

Another double feature this week. Deciding whether to keep the double feature until the end of the Olympics or not.

Title: Here It Goes Again
Artist: OK GO
Genre: Indie Rock, Pop
Album: Oh No
Single: Here It Goes Again
Vintage: 25/09/06

Awesome music video. Won a Grammy for best short-form music video in 2007. Also got a few other honours. Their dances are usually choreographed by one of the band member's sister. Saves them a lot of money, I guess.

Title: Hard Rock Hallelujah
Artist: Lordi
Genre: Rock
Album: The Arockalypse
Single: Hard Rock Hallelujah
Vintage: 19/05/06

The video is for Eurovision Song 2007. They've got a regular music video for it, but I can't find it. Plus this one is just so epic. I think I've talked about it in a previous post with the AMV for Black Lagoon. The band is from Finland by the way. You might figure that out nearer to the end of the video where people are waving flags.

A Day with Kenn 23

Image by name  

Feel like I've used this image before. Not sure. Spent my day in the library. Fun stuff.

Breakfast for Kenn. Woke up way too early this morning. Got hungry, so I downed a bowl of mueseli. Mueseli is a fairly popular European thing, originally concocted by a Swiss doctor for his patients. I had it with milk, but I figured it'd look a tad bit more appetizing not soggy.

Got up at 6 in the morning. Got hungry again after the mueseli, so I had some of the pan-fried noodles my mom left me in the fridge. I guess you'd call this breakfast number two, since it was still well before noon.

Spent a few hours in the library. Took out some books from the Criminology reserve to do some research for my paper. Didn't have any luck finding any information from the three books I chose, so I brought the question up with the librarian. Spent a good twenty minutes with him going through all the various searches of various databases, coming up with a few good sources.

At a certain part of the library, a tree hangs upside down. I usually sit in front of this area because it has outlets for me to plug my laptop into if I need to. All photos of the library were taken with the webcam on my laptop.

Much to my surprise, the library was nearly deserted. Only a few people were in the library, contrary to my belief that there would be lots of people. I guess people don't want to give up their extended reading break?

The library is probably the nicest building on campus. Most of the books are on the second floor. Much of the first floor is table space for people to work on, and reference. The photos taken on my laptop turned out better than I thought.

I call this modern art. It represents the loop of being stuck in the circle of fastfood. Eventually, you will break loose, though for how long will you be caught in the cycle? Anyways, twas my lunch. The dubs again. Gotta find a healthier, cheaper alternative.

I know this looks kind of gnarly, but it's not all that bad. My parents simply call it 糖水 (tong sui). Not sure what you'd call it specifically, but it's something my parents make a lot. I'm not even sure what goes into it. Beans of sorts, tapioca. That's about all I know. Tasty though.
Image from Danbooru  

(*°∀°)=3 It's so cute. As usual with MSLN (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha) doujins, it's got the usual yuri pair, probably not safe for work, but definitely not porn. For the most part, it's safe for work.

Well, as cute as it is, it hasn't been updated in at least a year, so I was deciding whether or not I should use it. But Vivio is so cute in it that I just had to use it. Plus it saves me the trouble of having to explain Touhou characters.

Web comics by Hino Sasaki. Website is here, and link to the web comic on Danbooru here.

A Day with Kenn 22

Image by Lin+ 
No photos today. Nothing worth shooting.

 Is that not the coolest wallpaper ever? For those who don't know, it's from the latest Gurren Lagann movie: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Lagann-hen. Yoko's machine is at the front left, while Nia's is in the middle on the right side.

Anyways, had breakfast / lunch and then headed up to practice my pieces for piano. I feel that I've definitely been hitting the chords too hard on Allegro Barbaro. Probably shouldn't practice in full forte. My hand locks in the chord position for a bit after. Not a nice feeling.

Jammed with my cousin and his friend for about an hour after that. Jamming to one of his original songs, 'Puppy love'. It was me on the piano, his friend, on the violin and my cousin on the guitar. Sounded awesome, though I definitely need to acquaint myself with the song. Improvising the whole way, and I don't even know what part of the song their on. I don't think I've ever successfully done the song. ^^; I've got time to work it out on paper though.

Been practicing Gackt's Last Song on the piano too. It's difficult to try and sing and play at the same time. As a Classical pianist, I'm not used to doing stuff like that, let alone improvising and the like. As a composer though, I really need to get better at that.

On another page now, I'll congratulate Maelle Ricker on her gold medal finish for Women's Snowboard Cross, and Canada's second gold medal. I'd also like to congratulate Team Canada's first win in Men's Hockey, dominating Norway 8-0.

Patrick Chan's performance wasn't the best, though it was still good. I believe that he still has another run on Thursday. Let's wish him he best and hope that he wins gold!

A Day with Kenn 21

Image by usakou

Mondays. ( ̄へ ̄)

 Breakfast for Kenn. So Asian. Leftovers from yesterday's Chinese New Year hotpot that I didn't take a photo of. On the right is bánh tét, sticky rice spotted with various beans, and a banana going through the middle. It's cooked and wrapped in a banana leaf. It's a traditional New Years food. Bánh tét is popular in South Vietnam, while Bánh chưng is something you'll find more of in the North. My folks grew up in the south, so we more or less aways have bánh tét.

In the bowl is a bit of a sea weed salad, some prunes, more of that odd chinese sweet thing, Rambutan, and a date.

 Izzy asked me how much I got for my 红包 (Lai See). While I won't say how much I got, I will say that I got two pockets.

The red one on the left is from my aunt and uncle, while the one with Snoopy is from my parents.

Manga of ze Week - Pavane & Tea

Image from Crunchyroll

 Well, actually the title isn't Pavane and tea. They're parts of the titles of the two series this week.

Title: 亡き少女の為のパヴァーヌ, Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane, Pavane Pour Une Fille Défunte, Pavane for a Dead Girl
Author: Koge-Donbo* 
Genre: Shounen, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural
Serialized in: Mag Garden Comic Blade
Total Volume Count: 4 (ongoing)

Summary from Syuura:

During a field trip to the imperial capital, Tokyo, Kaga Nanao overhears the beautiful melody of a violin and immediately becomes captivated by it. In order to meet the mystery violinist, Nanao learns the violin and defies her father's wishes by attending the Marianne Music Academy for girls in Tokyo. Upon arriving at the school, Nanao comes across her mystery violinist who turns out to be Sagami Takenomaru, the violin prodigy and adopted son of the famous violinist, Sagami Chougo-sensei. However, Takenomaru isn't just a regular person, he's determined to complete a mission and fulfill a contract...

Note: "Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane" means "Pavane for a Dead Girl" and is a wordplay on the Japanese translation of a solo piano piece, written by French composer Maurice Ravel in 1899, called "Pavane pour une infante défunte" - Naki Ōjo no Tame no Pavane or Pavane for a Dead Princess.
Kenn's Comment: Well, it's Koge-Donbo* so you might as well find some tissue before reading this. She always has such tragic stories. I've only read about 4 chapters so far, but with only those, plus her past series, I'll assume that it's quite something. I think I might have read somewhere that it's slated for an anime adaption sometime in the future?

Image from here

Title: 飴色紅茶館歓談, Ameiro Kouchakan Kandan, Chatting at the Amber Teahouse
Author: Fujieda Miyabi
Genre: Shoujo-Ai, Comedy, Slice of Life
Serialized in: Ichijinsha Comic Yuri Hime
Total Volume Count: 1 (ongoing)

Summary from MangaUpdates:
Set at a shop called The Amber Teahouse, this is a very heartwarming story that focuses on Seriho, the proprietor of the teahouse, and Sarasa, the high school student who works there part-time. It'll set your heart aflutter! 
Kenn's Comment: Very cute characters with a rather calm and equally cute setting and story. As I've stated in the genre, it is a Shoujo-Ai (Girl's Love), or romance between two girls. If you can't take that, then I suggest you probably won't like this (although it's not lesbian porn mind you).
Image by Mina m  

I know that saying 'happy holidays' is usually for Christmas, but saying 'Happy Chinese New Years and Valentines day' is simply too long. Anyways, photo heavy post ahead.


In Vietnamese, we say "chúc mừng năm mới!" to others. It means 'Hapy New Year', quite literally. At our house, we celebrate the lunar new year in a rather unique way. It's a mix of the Chinese and Vietnamese customs, so we might have characteristics of the two traditions. We don't usually say it at home, but 农历新年 is 'Gong Hay Fat Choy'

Here's a platter of fruits. I've got photos of each fruit.

This is Rambutan (chôm chôm). They're quite sweet, though their seed is a bit woody. The fruit's shell looks kind of funny too. Put three in the photo because two might have a bit of phallic imagery. 

Sapodilla, or xa-pô-chê. The seeds of these are killers. They've got a hook-like thing on them that'll catch in your throat if you swallow them. The fruit has an interesting taste though. Tastes kind of like a malt. If you eat one that's not ripe though, it'll not only taste bad, but it'll dry your mouth out. Figured this out through personal experiences.

This interesting looking fruit is a water apple. Kinda looks like a cross between a bell pepper and an apple. As their name suggests, they have a very high water concentration in them. Can't remember how they taste though.

There are lots of names for this one. Sugar Apple, Sweetsop, and mãng cầu ta in Vietnamese. Interesting fruit, and super, super sweet. Eating too many of these might leave you in a sugar coma. It's skin comes off in pieces, revealing a pasty white flesh chock full of seeds. 

I only know this by the name of Soursop. It's mãng cầu Xiêm in Vietnamese. Like it's name suggests, this one is pretty sour. Like the sweetsop, it's got tonnes of seeds in it. It's quite soft too.

Now, on to Valentines day, or what I'll refer to as 'Singles Awareness Day'. You can see why:

The photos will look better if you enlarge them. Had to use a different camera because my camera's batteries died twice in the process.

On the other hand, I picked up this today. It tastes quite odd, though not in a bad way. Tastes kind of like a 蛋挞,an egg tart. I chose it randomly actually. I had a few choices, so I did a random choice.