It starts on a very special day this year. From the looks of it, it'll be some nais eye candy. Hopefully, it doesn't end up like Queen's Blade though. Anyways here's the run down.

Title: ファイト一発!充電ちゃん!!, Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi

Animation Studio: Studio Hibari
Total Episode Count: N/A

Airs: 06/25 :'D

Summary by megane007 @
Juden-chan is the name given to girls who work as OL which they use electricity to cheer up (recharge) depressed people.
Depressed people are graded into different level of danger. At level A, they are at high risk of suicide. Therefore a company is established to send the invisible Juden-chan to save those people.

Unfortunately the main character often makes mistake and cause trouble. But yet she still handle to save people with some alternative means.


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