Summer Night Market 14

Image by Dorago

Alrighty, so it was another night down in Richmond.

It was a usual day. Slow start, but it steadily picked up. Sales usually came in large clusters, one after another, leaving us scrambling to keep up with orders. Would love to have more space to work. The lack of space really affects how fast we can do things. Of course, it'd be virtually impossible to do that, since you'd need to move the entire row over.

Aside from that, nothing really spectacular really happened. Oh, I did watch a moth die in a plume of fire. Flew near a gas burner, and it was sitting near it for a bit before it's wing caught fire. Once that happened it just went poof. In a split second the flames went from it's wing tips to completely engulfing in insect. It wasn't the kind of fire I was expecting though. Was hoping for a burning moth to be flying around, but I guess it's insides were cooked from that. Crispy moth anyone?


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