Coming Soon for the....

=l Arcade. Coming soon for the arcades in Japan.

Title: Project DIVA Arcade (tenative)
Developer: SEGA
Genre: Music, Rhythm
System: ARCADE

Kenn's Comment: ._. Well, the news about the new Project DIVA wasn't a PS3 port, but an Arcade version of the game. I wouldn't run it past SEGA to make a port of it in the future though...*crosses fingers*

Anywho, SEGA's accepting entries from the public (Vocaloid User specifically) to submit their songs for the game. Winners will get their songs featured in a test run of the game sometime early next year (2010). They're already some song that people submitted floating around. I've found a few already actually.

LINK (not the LoZ one)



- Teekay - said...

As an arcade fan, and a pretty stable fan of Miku (not as much as you Kenn xD) I'm seriously looking forward to this +_+

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