The Misadventures of Kenn

Image from here.

Aights, so like the title says, I had a bit of an adventure today, finding my way down to my composition teacher's place. I've had a few lessons already, but I've been dropped off, so this was a first for me. Getting there isn't actually that hard, but there's more to the story that just that.

Now let me tell you, if I said that it was nice out today, I'd be lying through my teeth. It was stormin' out there. Raining hard, whipping winds, and fairly low temperatures made the commute far from fun.

Getting there was fairly simple. No difficult transfers. It's actually the same route to get down to Super Bored. Except that I was supposed to stay on the bus after it makes a corner at Alma. Not knowing this, I got off, and walked around for a bit before realizing that I got off at the wrong stop. Waited for another bus and got to the destination, after stepping in a few ankle deep puddles.

Coming back, I was able to bypass the ponds puddles by going around the front of the house. Unfortunately, that's pretty much where my good luck ends. Wrestled with my umbrella to get it closed gave me two small nicks on each of my thumbs. Then when the bus rolled in, the rain had pretty much made it impossible to read what route it took. Turns out it wasn't the route I wanted. Luckily for me, there was a connection to the 22. Unfortunately, it's route would take me across the city, before reaching it's terminus. I could've jumped on the Canada Line (skytrain), but the 100 at the Marine Station doesn't come too often, so I didn't want to risk standing around waiting for that bus, and instead opted to stay on the 22 until it's termination stop.

So, there I sat in the bus, taking possibly the longest Translink bus ride I've ever done. About 45 minutes, minus the previous bus. Anyways, geared up for the long ride, whipped out the iTouch, pumped the volume and started playing Scrabble, UnBlock Me, and Real Racing. If you're wondering, it was cold, and being soaked by the rain didn't help one bit.

Anywho, I didn't have anything interesting to put up, so I figured this would be entertaining.


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- Teekay - said...

"Unluckily, it would going through downtown."
what does this supposed to mean? =P

pandizmeister said...

D: OMG I HATE THOSE !!! Translink needs more frequent buses and NEW routes!!

*like one going through my place* =X

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