Ehehehe. I went out with two of my friends to a Korean Barbecue Restaurant for dinner yesterday. It was good stuff, but not exactly as filling as I hoped it would be. Anyways, getting there was "fun". Got off at the wrong stop because I couldn't see the street names and stops since it was so fricking dark and I'm blind even with glasses. So we ended up taking a Sky Train from Joyce and walked for about a half hour to the restaurant in the pouring rain. Bonding time anyone? Lots of complaining, finger pointing, joke cracking and walking. Anyways we made it there. Two of us, including me, stayed pretty dry. On the other hand, the remaining ended up sopping wet, for reasons unknown. We shared one umbrella, since my umbrella is uselessly massive. Anyways, Jackson's coming to appreciate my gargantuan umbrella, slowly, but surely. After eating, we went across the lot to a Korean market, and picked up some interesting stuff. I got a bottle of Pocari Sweat, Korean version, and a container of gum that suspiciously looks like medication. With a name like "XYLITOL" labeled on the container which looks like a bottle for pills, who wouldn't think it was some sort of drug? Anyways, getting back was really simple. Lost track of time and get scolded by my mom >_> Anyways, that's it for today. Might get the Seto no Hanayome OVA and other anime summaries/blog/things up eventually. Too tired this week.
A snapped a picture of them. ;D I finished the Pocari though.
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