Whew! That was a real workout. Well, that'd be my first for this blog, and probably not the last. All the links you see lead to images described by the entry. I didn't want to put too many images onto the post, so you'll have to make due with this format until I figure out a way to do so. The OVA itself was hilarious, a laughing riot! Really enjoyed watching it, and I'm waiting for the second OVA to be subbed ;D
Ah yes, the start of a new term. I've experienced it myself many times. San, looking as good as ever, is excited about the new term starting. They're a year older now! They're all looking towards a new year all in the same class...but life never lets you have your way, especially when your dad hates your husbands very existance! San's dad, Gozaborou had Nagasumi thrown into another class, much to San's horror. Turns out that Nagasumi's been thrown into a class of delinquents, where Gozaborou's expecting him meet his end. Shark Fusijiro busts his way in, introducing himself as the homeroom teacher, much to Nagasumi's surprise and horror. He then introduces the first class activity! Kill everyone. Everyone has a weapon hidden underneath their desks and they are to use it to survive the battle royale. Nagasumi, as usual, ends up with the shorter end of the stick. Meanwhile, back at the classroom, San and Luna are wondering where Nagasumi could've been thrown when an unexpected visitor and transfer student appears! Much to the mermaid's horror, especially Luna's, the transfer student is none of than the terminator Cue orz from Luna and San. As usual, whenever Edomae and Gozaborou are in the same room, they can't help but become fierce fighters! Back at Nagasumi's side of things, the battle has commenced, and the class decides to take out the weakest first, that being Nagasumi himself. Luckily for him, his super reflexes kick in at Max Level, allowing him to easily dodge all the attacks and eventually making his way to the Emperor. As always, things never turn out well for Nagasumi, and he is blown up at point blank, since the Emperor was lucky enough to get the RPG under his desk. Luna and San bust their way in just in time to witness Nagasumi get sent into the stratosphere by the Emperor. The rest of the delinquents aren't happy about the intrusion, and proceed to attack the girls. Luna's personal amry is called into the fray and an all out war begins! Luna uses her Song of War to bolster her forces, while San calms the situation down with her Song of Sleep. San ends it all with her chivalry speech, which isn't take too well by the Emperor, who says he won't forgive anyone who interrupts a fight between men. Nagasumi blocks his punch, going into super saiyan mode. Nagasumi then pays homage to Fist of the North Star, as he finishes the Emperor in a single cross counter punch, ending it with an epic martial artist question. All hail Na[gar]sumi! Akeno shows up from nowhere, going all dere dere over Nagasumi's impressive victory. Luna catches on to this, and teases her, leaving us with a very cute Akeno. Oh please, he's a married man xD However, she comes with bad news. She couldn't stop the two raging fathers from fighting, and it's escalated to the building Nagasumi was put into. As the two fathers prepare the final blow, Nagasumi runs into, determined to stop the two. As usual, the directors don't want him to have too much success, and he ends up slipping on the crab cake he had as a weapon, resulting into powerhouse punches to both sides of his head. He's not dead yet~!
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