Had a dinner for our Marketing class (plus a few other Marketing classes) down at Samba. The food was pretty good, but I couldn't eat too much since I started feeling a bit queasy. Ate lots of salad (greens are good for you), and a bit of meat.
Messed around with friends, and learned that you can put ashes on to an ice cube by holding it above a flame.
Christ ended up with a boil on his finger since he stuck it in the flame.
After the dinner, we took group photos of the Management class, and then took more photos before taking a while to think, and decide where to go after. We ended up going to Bubble World down by Metro, where we waited a while. Couldn't ride in a car, so I ended up being the "guardian" of the girls. Ended taking a skytrain with them, meeting up with John and driving to the BBT place. Ended up in the trunk of his RAV4. Bumps are the hurt.
Christ was out of place, being the only Caucasian person in the group, denouncing his partly Asian heritage. Anyways, he got a pretty normal (futsuuuu~) drink (Strawberry Ice cream shake I think), while I got a milk tea bbt. Talked for like an hour before leaving. Back with John, Christ and Mindy and we were
supposed to drive home. Someone brought up the idea of going down to the river, which then brought up John's "bench" which then lead us around the river, getting lost for a bit and nearly going off the road and into the river. Eventually found his "bench" and walked around by the river. We looked pretty cool, semi-formal and all in the dark of the night, by the river. All we need was a nicer car.
Anyways, we eventually got home (after taking an N, various wrong turns, various near death experiences, a warning to a loved one of the possibility of death, etc.) Cold + Filled Bladder do not mix.
I'll update a bit more once I get some pictures from the dinner.
edit: pics added. where's kenn?