Spent my freeblock mainly in the Trojan, playing Resistance: Retribution (psp). It's quite difficult, especially if you don't have cover. Anyways, this isn't the main story.
Alrighty, so afterschool, at the Trojan as usual, me, Christ, John, Mindy & Connie happened to be in there. So John had tear-aways on, the kind with the buttons and all, meant for sports and stuff, but had no shorts on underneath. It's a disturbing thought really, since he had them unbuttoned up to his knees.
John left quick, since it's not his day today, while Mindy and Connie stayed for a bit more. They talked about the prom and stuff girls would talk about, before asking us how we were gonna get there. Most people rent a limo and share the cost between a bunch of people. However, knowing us, getting a limo might be a real stretch. So then I suggested that John would drive us. Connie scoffed at my idea, saying that whatever we wore going into his car wouldn't be what we would be wearing coming out. I don't think John's driving is that bad...
Anyways, I'm really not too excited about the prom. It's held at our school (how lame is that?), and it's an over-hyped event. Chances are that someone's gonna get hurt. It's inevitable. There are other reasons for my..lack of interest in the prom, but that's another story.
do elaborate :D
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