Yes, Afterschool Madness normally should only come around every Tuesday. However, Connie decided that I needed to help her today at the store, so there's an extra ASM. Christ wasn't with us, so the antics weren't as humourous.
Part 1: Xylitol
I admit. My grades are crap. Connie's are excellent though. However, she's book smart. General knowledge, in my opinion is more important. So I convinced her that Xylitol was a drug/painkiller. She still believes me.
Part 2: Perfection
While the manager, Herman, was mucking around, ranting that a guy was never on the dot, perfect, not over or under, I made the comment that perfection was overrated. Connie responded with "your imperfections make you perfect". It was a great response, but she didn't actually understand the saying. "orz. All she knows is that it's a great line to say to your girlfriend when she's down and worried about how she's not good enough for the guy. I'm a terrible boyfriend apparently.
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