A Happy New Year to anyone (if anyone does) reading it.
I was at a New Year's Party @ my friend's place. Lots of Lol's, loud form 3 PM - 12 AM. We played NHL 09, Gears of War 2, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Wii Sports (Tennis). Gears was probably the most entertaining, since we played that for at least 5 hours. Wii Tennis was also fun, but much more short lived.
We rung in the New Year with a bottle of Sparkling Apple Juice (still under the drinking age D:) It sorta got shaken up when I was walking to his place (Ice is my mortal enemy now), and when they stuck it in the fridge, and when we took it out. John wanted to pop the cork, so I gave it to him. He popped the cork, it went flying. And so did the juice. Half the bottle ended up on either the table or the floor. We only got about a half small mug each. It was Lol-tastic though.
And for those wondering about the snow living room, it was a lofty dream. We did the Sofa, and a toilet, however the toilet led a very very short life. The Sofa's still standing, but due to a large scale war between two sides of the Front yard, it's not exactly...in pristine conditions
Image from Gelbooru
awesome video game nite >.< I just watched some new years eve TV show with my family today.
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