The first day back from school is never a fun time. The snow that's been piling up with days didn't make anything much better. Public schools, specifically mine, never close due to weather related circumstances. It's like our principal enjoys watching us drudge through the elements to our miserable social school lives.
The school's heating system was only started up in the morning, and with an outdated heating system like we have, it takes about a day to warm up, and by the time it warms up, we're out of school. Even the water heater sucks.
Classes were freezing, everyone was half asleep, resulting in a stagnant and dead learning environment. I spent most of my classes sleeping actually.
Hoping the snow melts and causes massive flooding, enough to seriously damage the school.
On the plus side, there's new anime. I might do a small thing for the new series this season. Maybe a manga feature. ;D
Image from Gelbooru.
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