Yea, so today was my school's Benefit Concert, an event to raise money for cancer research and such. There was a decent turnout, which was a bonus for me, being part of the school's market staff. Ehehe, here's a run down.
The songs weren't all that bad, but they weren't awesome either. Better than mediocre though.
Highlights: The Algorithm March, and The Mario Kart Love Song.
I missed a good chunk of the concert though, since there was a discrepancy in the cash sheets, so I stayed in the store to straighten things out. Finally found the problem, and fixed it, before cleaning up and closing the store for the night.
After the concert, me and 蛋撻 went for some BBT and then crashed at 蘿蔔糕's for a little bit.
Anyways, that's it for now. I'll be busy tomorrow, so a post might come in really early in the morning...
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