Image unrelated...almost.
Today me and Keith raided 蘿蔔糕's house, while 蛋撻 and the rest of the crew attended the Grad Dance & Dinner. 蘿蔔糕 had to finish his Geography Essay, which is one of the main reasons we wanted to raid his house. While Keith wanted to play DoW II on 蘿蔔糕's computer, but he was using it, so we searched up old retro songs on his other computer. Later, we went to KFC for some grub and hoped to torture him with the smell of fast food. Unfortunately 蘿蔔糕 had left over steak which he ate. Keith and I went upstairs to play Wii Sports, to alleviate his stomach pains. I lost..."orz
After the sports, we came back down, and I ended up doing a whole bunch of voice impersonations, which resulted in a distracted 蘿蔔糕. Actually, I think the only time he was actually focused was when Keith and I went for KFC. Anyways, I did Waspinator voices, some funky texan cowboy voice, Count Dracula, a very high pitched voice (for a guy), and a singing voice (Sooooooome wheeeere, over the raaaainboooow).
Other than that, today was pretty fun, so yeah.
>D 蛋撻'd birthday is coming up soon, so expect something to be up when it rolls around...ku ku ku
For his birthday, we should BURN HIM (or one of his possessions)!!!!
P.S. Screw you distracters!
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