As you may have noticed, I've gotten myself a mascot. Not the most creative, and artistically challenging tasks, but a mascot nevertheless. She was actually supposed to be a female me, but heck, why waste her on someone like me? Her name's Kaihaku (Gray), stemming from the first image I produced, which had her in pretty much all grayish clothing. Anyways, I'm hoping to have a friend do some art with her, maybe I'll get a drawing of her up sometime later in the year.
I've noticed that I'm running out of things to talk about on this blog. Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays have actual titles, but the rest of the days sort of lie dormant. I've decided to blog a random anime or manga series on those days if I have nothing to talk about. If you see something about an anime or manga, you know I had a boring day. You won't see Naruto or Bleach up though. I'll probably focus on less known series that you should watch =)
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