Stay By My Side - Megurine Ruka (by ROY).
It's only been a few days since the release of the third addition to the Vocaloid family (crypton wise anyways). It's a rock song, yes, and I am very fond of rock. I personally think that Ruka's voice fits rock more than Miku's. xD Just my opinion. Her lower voice just makes it sound more epic. The song sounds like something Versailles might do.
Alright. So I've been busy with my midterm week and all, plus my internet went down a few days ago, so I've pretty much been screwed for this blog. ANYWAYS, I'M BACK WITH VENGEANCE! I'll put up a blog today, tomorrow and FOR THE REST OF MY INTEREST IN THE BLOG!
Day 1: English Midterm
I swear, trying to cold write so early in the morning is futile. The topic wasn't all that great to write about either. People have the power to change their futures. Woohooo. Mine sounded like a motivational speech. Maybe they'll be motivated to give me more marks. After the test, we went to 蘿蔔糕's place for a short stay for Chinese New Years. Btw. Happy belated chinese new years! Chúc mừng năm mới! (vietnamese) After that, I went home and worked on my new gunpla. I'll post it up when I finish it.
Day 2: History & French Midterms
Again, the two tests were fairly simple, minus the essay questions which were major pains in the butt. I had a fairly interesting conversation about the test after though. I couldn't remember the word for "quiet" in french, so I ended up using "soft" (douce). Yay for "soft music".
Day 3: Biology Midterm
With my internet down, and being without my 蛋撻 and 蘿蔔糕's numbers, I decided to do it the old fashioned way, and treck my way up the hill, across the park and go to 蘿蔔糕's place to tell him that we were going to raid 蘿蔔糕's place. Turns out that I got there before he had actually done anything. Yay for my impeccable timing. So after, I said that I'd meet him at 蘿蔔糕's place. He was still asleep when I got there.
"Why are you guys here?!"
"Because we're using your place to study!"
After the midterm (which had words I've never seen before, like invagination) we went back to 蘿蔔糕's place to chill. Stayed there for a bit before going out for dinner @ the local sushi restaurant.
Day 4: Law Midterm
It The test wasn't all that hard, but being so early in the morning, and being kept awake by a Red Bull, it was kind of hard to remember the questions (since the test was a compilation of all our previous tests xD). After the test, I went home, only to come back to the school at 3 for the math tutorial, which was on the 28th. The day before. Curse you wrong dates!
Day 5: (FINAL DAY) Math Midterm
By far, this was the hardest of the 6 midterms I had. I was all prepped up with a Red Bull and lots of studying and sleep (which never helps me with math). I got some of the questions, but it was Multiple Choice, so I just tried out all the choices, and which ever one got the closest was the answer. Ended up running out of time, and fired off 3 questions randomly. Hopefully I do well.
After the test, we went 蘿蔔糕's place to chill for a bit, after making a few stops to hand in homework assignments and stuff. Played a bit of SSBB, and watched 蘿蔔糕 play Warhammer - DOW II for a bit, before 蛋撻, Keith and Christ returned from Calvin's. Played some more SSBB, and Scrabble before heading out for dinner at a Sushi restaurant.
The place was pretty good, and fast as hell. Half of the table kept on ordering and ordering. It was scary to see how much they could eat. It was even scarier to think about the bill. A whopped $253. Split among 10 people, it's not that bad, but I've never seen a food bill so high. Didn't have much cash on me, so I had someone else pay a bit for me. NTS: I owe Calvin $12.50.
Over the course of the week, I've performed two good deeds. I saved a dog from traffic, and I gave a person directions to a nearby hospital. I'm going to heaven!!
HONEY - NANAMEUE ALL☆STARS, with MEIKO, the Kagamine Twins (Len (or Ren) and Rin), Kasane Teto (UTAU), Akita Neru, Yowane Haku, and a bit of KAITO and Hatsune Miku. There's a Chibi Meiko and Hachune Miku. Anyways, cute dance and song. Imitating idolm@sters I believe? ;D Good quality too!
So this will be on Saturdays, probably...or maybe even Sundays. I'm not at school, or at other people's houses, so there's gotta be something to fill in the space, right? I fell in love with Miku ages ago, and came to love the music that talented users could create with the program. And, thus, here we are, with a Weekly Vocaloid feature.
Alrighty, so 蛋撻, Christ and I went to 蘿蔔糕's house to watch a competition between Christ and 燒賣, to see who could drink a 4 litre jug of milk the fastest. 燒賣 never showed up, and we ended up having nothing to do. Fortunately, 蘿蔔糕's house has an almost unlimited amount of things to do.
Part 1: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
蛋撻, Christ, Keith and I were playing. Never did place first. 蛋撻 did all the time. It was a short lived moment of fun. I really need to get better at it.
Part 2: Violence
蛋撻 found a cardboard tube, and while Christ was getting something off of the ground, 蛋撻 jumped slashed him. Christ pulled some wooden reed out of a vase and fought back. I was held hostage & used for protection twice. They really don't care about who's the hostage, since I got hurt in the end.
Part 3: Baseball
蛋撻 found a pingpong ball, and Christ had the cardboard tube, so we had a batter an a pitcher. I was the backcatcher & umpire. Christ couldn't hit the ball, but 蛋撻 was very accurate, which is pretty damn scary. We were worried he'd hit the ball and break something...which, fortunately, didn't happen.
Part 4: Food
We had sushi. XD Christ doesn't want to open up and try sushi, so he left the party. It was just 蛋撻, 蘿蔔糕, Keith and me.
Part 5: Youtube
Went looking around for funky amusing videos. Lots of classics. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Ultraman, Beetleborgs Metallix, Reboot, Beast Wars, Digimon (first season English), the full Pokerap, some Nintendo and Sega commercials, Street Fighter (the movie..old one), Mortal Kombat (movie), Hitler's reaction to the Dragonball Live action, and eventually, videos of News reporters screwing up on the job.
Part 6: Scrabble
While 蘿蔔糕 played Fallout 3, 蛋撻 and I played Scrabble. Yes, the game of intellectual vocabularistic skills. We ended up in a struggle to try and form words before the other could. He took my chance to use "sexy" on a double letter score tile. The X would've been on it.
That's all for today ;D Getting my computer fixed soon. Crossed fingers for a hard drive intact! Image from Gelbooru.
Today, during our freeblock, 蛋撻 and I glued that awesome face to 蘿蔔糕's locker door. It looks so very awesome, since our lockers are a pretty dull metallic gray, and the face just adds that epic splash of colour. I'll make sure more colours bless his locker.
We went with 叉燒包 to the local 7-11, got Hot dogs and candy. Nothing really happened after that, other than watching 叉燒包 play FF: Dissidia on my PSP. He loves Sephiroth for some reason. I hate hate hate him.
Yes, Afterschool Madness normally should only come around every Tuesday. However, Connie decided that I needed to help her today at the store, so there's an extra ASM. Christ wasn't with us, so the antics weren't as humourous.
Part 1: Xylitol
I admit. My grades are crap. Connie's are excellent though. However, she's book smart. General knowledge, in my opinion is more important. So I convinced her that Xylitol was a drug/painkiller. She still believes me.
Part 2: Perfection
While the manager, Herman, was mucking around, ranting that a guy was never on the dot, perfect, not over or under, I made the comment that perfection was overrated. Connie responded with "your imperfections make you perfect". It was a great response, but she didn't actually understand the saying. "orz. All she knows is that it's a great line to say to your girlfriend when she's down and worried about how she's not good enough for the guy. I'm a terrible boyfriend apparently.
Probably for the first time, I'll be blogging about the Tuesday after school special. Actually, it's just the antics we pull off after school hours in the school store.
Today, the theme was Stupidity. Connie thought masochist and majesty sounded alike, and were spelled alike. This brought the first wave. Connie worships masochists.
Part Two came when she made a comment on braincells, or braincell to be more accurate, since she didn't use braincell in the plural. She said "I'm gonna lose my braincell!". She has a few braincells in that head of hers. Dirty is not a verb.
Part Three was coming up short. Christ made the comment that she came up short in many ways, since both of us are taller than her. However, she, for reasons unknown, began to say that she came up short down there. She didn't finish her sentence but me and Christ got her message. This brought up the idea that she was secretly a hermaphrodite. While walking home, I called her a Hermaphrodite masochist, and she responded "hey I'm not. I'll let you feel down there to check!" As a healthy young lad, I agreed, however stated that my hands were full with textbooks and binders. I gestured her to hold them, but she declined.
Image from Gelbooru
Image unrelated.
Hokay. I was meaning to put up the rest of the Winter previews, but my computer died on me, and the post that I typed up got erased. Shortly after, my computer died all together. I'm on a computer lent to me out of pity, so I don't want to fill it up with all my anime. That also means I don't have the anime I had on my machine, which means, probably no previews. I'll probably be blogging about my computer-less escapades in life. Don't expect it to be too motivational.
Well with the winter season of Anime kicked off, how about a small, short and sweet overview of the series that have aired so far?
Genre: Drama, Romance
A romance starring seiyuu/singers Hirano Aya and Mizuki Nana. THe lead character, Toya Fuji is dating an idol. The anime essentially depicts the challenges they meet along the way. A strong cast of fairly big-name seiyuu are working on this.

Minami-ke - Okaeri!
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Comedy
Minami-ke is back for a third season. After an upsetting second season, I'm hoping for lots of improvement. The first episode had the charms of the first season, while the animation and art were lacking. However, I'm hoping that it ends up like Kyo no 5-2, where it's animation improved along the way, while the story was strong throughout.

Zoku Nastume Yuujinchou
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Drama, Supernatural, Comedy
Natsume Yuujinchou is back for a second season! As one of my favourite series from last season. The series follows Natsume Takashi, a boy with strong spiritual powers, who inherited the Book of Friends, a keepsake from his grandmother, containing the names of youkai that she defeated and made them serve her, as he returns the names of the demons his grandmother defeated.
Genre: Drama, Romance
A romance starring seiyuu/singers Hirano Aya and Mizuki Nana. THe lead character, Toya Fuji is dating an idol. The anime essentially depicts the challenges they meet along the way. A strong cast of fairly big-name seiyuu are working on this.
Minami-ke - Okaeri!
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Comedy
Minami-ke is back for a third season. After an upsetting second season, I'm hoping for lots of improvement. The first episode had the charms of the first season, while the animation and art were lacking. However, I'm hoping that it ends up like Kyo no 5-2, where it's animation improved along the way, while the story was strong throughout.
Zoku Nastume Yuujinchou
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Drama, Supernatural, Comedy
Natsume Yuujinchou is back for a second season! As one of my favourite series from last season. The series follows Natsume Takashi, a boy with strong spiritual powers, who inherited the Book of Friends, a keepsake from his grandmother, containing the names of youkai that she defeated and made them serve her, as he returns the names of the demons his grandmother defeated.
Well with the winter season of Anime kicked off, how about a small, short and sweet overview of the series that have aired so far?
Genre: Drama, Romance
A romance starring seiyuu/singers Hirano Aya and Mizuki Nana. THe lead character, Toya Fuji is dating an idol. The anime essentially depicts the challenges they meet along the way. A strong cast of fairly big-name seiyuu are working on this.

Minami-ke - Okaeri!
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Comedy
Minami-ke is back for a third season. After an upsetting second season, I'm hoping for lots of improvement. The first episode had the charms of the first season, while the animation and art were lacking. However, I'm hoping that it ends up like Kyo no 5-2, where it's animation improved along the way, while the story was strong throughout.

Zoku Nastume Yuujinchou
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Drama, Supernatural, Comedy
Natsume Yuujinchou is back for a second season! As one of my favourite series from last season. The series follows Natsume Takashi, a boy with strong spiritual powers, who inherited the Book of Friends, a keepsake from his grandmother, containing the names of youkai that she defeated and made them serve her, as he returns the names of the demons his grandmother defeated.
Genre: Drama, Romance
A romance starring seiyuu/singers Hirano Aya and Mizuki Nana. THe lead character, Toya Fuji is dating an idol. The anime essentially depicts the challenges they meet along the way. A strong cast of fairly big-name seiyuu are working on this.
Minami-ke - Okaeri!
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Comedy
Minami-ke is back for a third season. After an upsetting second season, I'm hoping for lots of improvement. The first episode had the charms of the first season, while the animation and art were lacking. However, I'm hoping that it ends up like Kyo no 5-2, where it's animation improved along the way, while the story was strong throughout.
Zoku Nastume Yuujinchou
Genre: Slice-of-Life, Drama, Supernatural, Comedy
Natsume Yuujinchou is back for a second season! As one of my favourite series from last season. The series follows Natsume Takashi, a boy with strong spiritual powers, who inherited the Book of Friends, a keepsake from his grandmother, containing the names of youkai that she defeated and made them serve her, as he returns the names of the demons his grandmother defeated.
The first day back from school is never a fun time. The snow that's been piling up with days didn't make anything much better. Public schools, specifically mine, never close due to weather related circumstances. It's like our principal enjoys watching us drudge through the elements to our miserable social school lives.
The school's heating system was only started up in the morning, and with an outdated heating system like we have, it takes about a day to warm up, and by the time it warms up, we're out of school. Even the water heater sucks.
Classes were freezing, everyone was half asleep, resulting in a stagnant and dead learning environment. I spent most of my classes sleeping actually.
Hoping the snow melts and causes massive flooding, enough to seriously damage the school.
On the plus side, there's new anime. I might do a small thing for the new series this season. Maybe a manga feature. ;D
Image from Gelbooru.
Daaaamn. There is literally nothing to do! I should be doing the homework that I've put off for...two weeks, but homework bores the living hell out of me. There's no anime out, or being subbed because of the New Years holiday, so there's nothing to watch (although there are episodes that have already been aired that haven't been subbed yet). I'd play Patapon 2, but being so bored, I fear that I'll finish it and once again, be left with nothing to do! =_= I think I'll just go make myself taller or something...
A Happy New Year to anyone (if anyone does) reading it.
I was at a New Year's Party @ my friend's place. Lots of Lol's, loud form 3 PM - 12 AM. We played NHL 09, Gears of War 2, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Wii Sports (Tennis). Gears was probably the most entertaining, since we played that for at least 5 hours. Wii Tennis was also fun, but much more short lived.
We rung in the New Year with a bottle of Sparkling Apple Juice (still under the drinking age D:) It sorta got shaken up when I was walking to his place (Ice is my mortal enemy now), and when they stuck it in the fridge, and when we took it out. John wanted to pop the cork, so I gave it to him. He popped the cork, it went flying. And so did the juice. Half the bottle ended up on either the table or the floor. We only got about a half small mug each. It was Lol-tastic though.
And for those wondering about the snow living room, it was a lofty dream. We did the Sofa, and a toilet, however the toilet led a very very short life. The Sofa's still standing, but due to a large scale war between two sides of the Front yard, it's not pristine conditions
Image from Gelbooru
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