Alrighty, this week's song is a very beautiful song, Last Night, Good Night. The song is just so beautiful! The PV's pretty cool too. I've included a few versions of the song, since it rocks. There's an english one too!
Original MIKU version
Usa Version
Luschka version (English dubbed)
Yes, that's right. Today is Global Shinkai Day 2009!! We celebrate this day to honour the highly acclaimed director of ほしのこえ (Voices of a Distant Star), 雲のむこう、約束の場所 (The Place Promised in Our Early Days), and 秒速5センチメートル (5 Centimeters Per Second). He's also credited as the director of trailers for minori (ef, wind).
This guy's a genius! I've got all his major animated works (the big three up there), and I suggest that you check them out! If you haven't yet, Crunchyrollis joining in the festivities and is showing the three movies all day tomorrow, so you can catch them there.
Anyways, Happy Shinkai day to all!
Alrighty, so we got a project to do for history, which involved making a poster on the topic we got. Our topic was Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union. The topic really only got super rolling yesterday, when everything basically fell into place (at 10PM). ==" Alvin was over until 11 pm working on it, and I didn't get to sleep until 2 >_>" Anyways, my room got turned inside out because of all the paper scraps and stuff lying around. Took a pic before I cleaned it up xD
What my room looked like:

A Quick pic of our project
What my room looked like:
A Quick pic of our project
The story behind the song & video goes something like so...
Len gets deleted so Rin goes into the cyber Netherlands to get him back. xD Tis a good song for Rin/Len fans.
Yea, so today was my school's Benefit Concert, an event to raise money for cancer research and such. There was a decent turnout, which was a bonus for me, being part of the school's market staff. Ehehe, here's a run down.
The songs weren't all that bad, but they weren't awesome either. Better than mediocre though.
Highlights: The Algorithm March, and The Mario Kart Love Song.
I missed a good chunk of the concert though, since there was a discrepancy in the cash sheets, so I stayed in the store to straighten things out. Finally found the problem, and fixed it, before cleaning up and closing the store for the night.
After the concert, me and 蛋撻 went for some BBT and then crashed at 蘿蔔糕's for a little bit.
Anyways, that's it for now. I'll be busy tomorrow, so a post might come in really early in the morning...
As the title says, I've gotten my computers back from the shop. No upgrades done, just repairs to both the laptop and desktop. I've been busy with school and trying to get these two computers back into shape, getting all the necessary applications and such. Now that I have my computers back, I really want a gaming computer, that would double as my anime machine. Too bad I'm dirt poor...
On another note, I'm really hating math these days....
Such a sad song. After reading Pita-Ten, I felt that this song was veeery similar to the series. It's an awesome song, and the story with it makes it that much more moving. ;D Hope you guys like it too.
Yes, it's my friend 叉燒包's first video on youtube. If you think it's similar to KevJumba's...well you're probably right. He'll get better at it, and maybe he'll feature more of us in his videos with him (touching him too)
Anyways, even he recognizes that it wasn't the greatest of videos, so he says that he'll improve. Cheer him on and hope that he produces stuff better than this! xD Damn, I'm a terrible person.
Yea, well it's Touhou image, but the To-Love-ru ones I found were NSFW, so I decided against putting them up. However, for male health benefits, I'll put them up as links. I just cut out the best parts. I'm sorry. There was a Riko-chan page, but it was too hard to get her outta the page, so I gave up. Sorry to fall you fans (myself included)
Lala, Haruna, Yami, Yui <3
Same as above, just a little bit different. DO IT!
This week's Vocaloid features is one of my favourite Miku-original songs. 初めての恋が終わる時」歌ってみた by Ryo. and Supercell. It's a beautiful song imo, and there's a few version of it that I'll put up along with Miku version. ;D Just because I love the song.
初めての恋が終わる時」歌ってみた (初音ミクver)
初めての恋が終わる時」をアレンジして歌ってみた (nayuta&N ver)
初めての恋が終わる時」歌ってみた(ちょうちょver )
Image unrelated...almost.
Today me and Keith raided 蘿蔔糕's house, while 蛋撻 and the rest of the crew attended the Grad Dance & Dinner. 蘿蔔糕 had to finish his Geography Essay, which is one of the main reasons we wanted to raid his house. While Keith wanted to play DoW II on 蘿蔔糕's computer, but he was using it, so we searched up old retro songs on his other computer. Later, we went to KFC for some grub and hoped to torture him with the smell of fast food. Unfortunately 蘿蔔糕 had left over steak which he ate. Keith and I went upstairs to play Wii Sports, to alleviate his stomach pains. I lost..."orz
After the sports, we came back down, and I ended up doing a whole bunch of voice impersonations, which resulted in a distracted 蘿蔔糕. Actually, I think the only time he was actually focused was when Keith and I went for KFC. Anyways, I did Waspinator voices, some funky texan cowboy voice, Count Dracula, a very high pitched voice (for a guy), and a singing voice (Sooooooome wheeeere, over the raaaainboooow).
Other than that, today was pretty fun, so yeah.
>D 蛋撻'd birthday is coming up soon, so expect something to be up when it rolls around...ku ku ku
Tentai Senshi Sunred
A hilarious, anime short (15 minutes approx.) about the battle betwee the forces of good and evil. It's a parody of all the sentai series out there. Everything you expect from a sentai is in the series, just backwards. Give it a spin before making your judgment. Don't let the art discourage you from watching it. I'll force my friend into watching it sooner or later...ku ku ku
Summary from MyAnimeList
The story revolves around the hero Sunred's battles against General Vamp and his shadowy group of minions in a spoof of classic Japanese anime and live-action special-effects shows.
Casshern SINS
A remake of the 1973 TV Series and the 1993 OVA series, Casshern SINS begins on a whole different note from it`s predecessors. The overall theme of the series is a whole note darker than before. Even the setting is more bleak, with backgrounds often consisting of a few monochrome shades. The production values of this series is something to take note of: it has beautiful animation, and brought in veteran seiyuus, such as Tomokazu Seki, and Tessho Genda.
Summary from AnimeNewsNetwork:
After decades since the original anime series, the cybernetic warrior returns in this franchise reboot, Casshern Sins. In a world where the powerful robot leader known as Braiking Boss rule over humanity with an iron fist, a mysterious girl named Luna is summoned by the people for salvation. To retaliate against this potential threat, Braiking sends 3 of his most powerful cyborgs, Casshern, Dio and Reda to dispose of her. Casshern manages to kill Luna, plunging the world into a slow descent of annhilation. Hundreds of years later, humanity is almost extinct. Robots constantly replace their body parts, fearing the corrosion of rust: their only form of death. In this wretched time and place, Casshern returns after a lengthy disappearance since his murder of Luna. Having lost his memory, Casshern now defends the humans from the robots, and find out his true identity and purpose.
So, despite the saddening news that the After School Antics probably aren't running anymore, the Free Block Frenzy will be running til something happens.
Alright, so today we were in the caf chillaxing while consuming our newly bought goods from the local 711. 蛋撻 was reading a Province or Sun, so I pulled out my issue of the Georgia Straight. For some lulz, I flipped to the back where the Sex Ads are. 蛋撻 had the mischievous idea to use these on the sleeping 叉燒包. There was an ad with a bunch of bras on them, and another one, which was a gay sex service. We stuck it under his arm while he was asleep and continued with our previous activities. We couldn't hold our laughter in when he woke up though. Now if only someone else had walked past...
Well, it was a nice run, but like everything else, all good things come to an end. Our Marketing teacher decided to drop in after school to monitor our work, and in the process, kicking Connie out. We can only have 2 of us inside the market at a time now, so Afterschool Antics is pretty much gone. Thanks for reading this feature up to this point! It's a shame..
As you may have noticed, I've gotten myself a mascot. Not the most creative, and artistically challenging tasks, but a mascot nevertheless. She was actually supposed to be a female me, but heck, why waste her on someone like me? Her name's Kaihaku (Gray), stemming from the first image I produced, which had her in pretty much all grayish clothing. Anyways, I'm hoping to have a friend do some art with her, maybe I'll get a drawing of her up sometime later in the year.
I've noticed that I'm running out of things to talk about on this blog. Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays have actual titles, but the rest of the days sort of lie dormant. I've decided to blog a random anime or manga series on those days if I have nothing to talk about. If you see something about an anime or manga, you know I had a boring day. You won't see Naruto or Bleach up though. I'll probably focus on less known series that you should watch =)
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