No actual pictars (yet?) because I wasn't actually in there. I was there, but not there. Kinda like Anonymous.
Anyways, I was simply a vendor, selling refreshments (water, juice, pop) and ice cream (sorta). Made a decent amount given what we had, and the time, and place, although I say it could've been better. Made money off of them people dancing around, working up a sweat in the heated conditions of the dance floor (also known as the school cafeteria), and anyone who happened to be on drugs and became dehydrated. Got through security since I came early, but I didn't have a bag or anything so it really didn't matter.
Nothing really happened for the first hour or so. People were just lounging around the in the foyer, chatting, taking pictures, making it look more like a social gathering (which it technically is). The second half was when things really started (like business) and the cheers and shouts could be heard from down the corridors.
Unfortunately, I say the only stupid thing I did today was locking the store's key inside the store. Not only that, but even the spare key is in there. "orz Free block tomorrow morning will be spent searching for a teacher with a key to retrieve the two locked ones. "orz
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