Alrighty, so I can't remember whether or not I put my Flag up on ze blog, and I didn't see a Gundam tag in my collection, so I threw it in with my recently completed Red Frame 1/100.
Flag: My first kick at the can for 1/100 models. I don't really like it's flight mode, so I keep it in bipedal form. It's a bit hard to pose without an action stand, since it's feet aren't very moveable. It looks awesome anyways.
Red Frame: I love this model. The Gerbera Straight can't be beat by any other melee weapon on a Gundam. Extremely poseable (maybe too much, more later), and looks absolutely awesome.
Sadly, while trying to pose the Red Frame, his arm broke, which was immediately mended with modeling glue...though it's not gonna be the same. sad face.
Graham's Union Flag Custom (a sexy jet black) 1/100
Guile Low's RED ASTRAY FRAME 1/100
The 1/100 beside the 1/144. The size difference is scary isn't it?
nice, but its not MG, so you suck.
some ppl r just ignorant/snobs... they don’t understand that the difference between HG, 1/100, MG & PG is not the quality but their articulation lvl & some details... i like ur gunplas, they look good... myb that "johnson" has at least 100 MG gunplas to say that...
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