Alrighty, so this is the first of the updates. I'm starting from the most recent, and then moving backwards, to the Friday. Playing Phantasy Star Portable too much. Image somewhat related minus the area of injury.
This one'll be short.
Was doing a law project, filming a drug related PSA on smoking, and was to rendezvous at Tehcumseh elementary. It's about...3km from my house. Normally, that wouldn't be all that bad, but I strained my hip the day before, making it rather painful to walk. I really didn't want to opt out of this, so I did the 3 km. Once I got there, I really didn't need to do much for a while (I got there an hour late too). The bad part was that I got all the not-so-fun parts, such as the smoker, and the dude that gets hit by the car. The smoking thing wasn't that bad, but to simulate being hit by a car made me realize how it felt to be a small animal on the road: fricking scary.
Anyways, I'm still coping with my strained hip, so I reaallly shouldn't be walking around too much.
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