Alrighty, so this happened on Friday, but I was engrossed in playing Phantasy Star: Portable, so I didn't put this up. It might end up taking over After School Antics.
Hokay, so after school on Friday, we went to 蘿蔔糕's place (along with Christ, John, Nalin, Pedo, 蛋撻, Keith, Allan, Darren, and Sam who came much later) for Christ's boxing show. It, in essence, was friendly competition to not only vent stress, but to put bitter feelings (mainly towards Allan) out. Anyways, it started out...well to sum it up, boring. We were out front, and Allan didn't want people to see him, so he would wait for people to pass by before starting anything. Once things got started, he was defeated time and time again. The highlight was that he tripped on Christ, who in turn tripped on Allan.
The second bout was Christ and John. This was a rather uneventful, until John pulled off that one moved the put Christ out of commission for a while. While down on a knee, John pull a windmill punch, catching Christ in the "soft spot". Caught on film, and not allowed to be up.
There were a bunch of bouts after this, and all while I watched from the confort of inside 蘿蔔糕's house. I would've been out there, but I lent John my shoes since he came in sports sandals (who knows why).
Anyways, once Sam came, the bouts got slightly more interesting. Sam's quick on his feet, and knows basics of fighting. He looked pretty damn cool with his blocks, spins and punches. To end the bouts, he delivered a fatal upper cut to John. Okay, so it wasn't fatal, but it caused a minor injury. One of the few. Most injuries were actually swelling, which resulted in a little bruising.
Anyways, John is a dangerous driver. Never get in the same car, or near his car.
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