Awight, so this time @ the Market, we spend a good bit (an hour or so) trying to unravel the mysteries of the cash sheets that didn't add up. It's very difficult to be short or over $100 or so, which was ze smoking gun of other problems. Anyways, we enlisted the help of the teacher in charge, who took more than a second, "I'll be there in a second", to show up. Anyways, once he showed up, we managed to get stuff solved (not really). The solution was to shunt the work on to the people managing next day. Problem solved!
On another note, I'm working on the mid-series/3 episode thing. Still need to catch up with Hatuskoi, Hanasakeru, and Guin Saga.
On another note, there'll be another game review going up shortly. It'll be for psp again, since it's the only system I have. Too poor to afford another one ;D
On a third note, if you haven't noticed, Ze Manga of the Week's have so far been romance, and shoujo, minus one. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a romance bum. Action isn't bad, but romance is my favourite. However, I'll start changing things up, so wait up for it.
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