Title: クイーンズブレイド 流浪の戦士, Queen's Blade - Ruro no Senshi (Vargrant Warrior)
Genre: Ecchi, Adventure, Action
Awight, so this is the second last one. The next one will be 07 Ghost, but I can't find any art of it on Danbooru or Gelbooru, so I'm waiting a bit until one shows up. Anyways, Queen's Blade...what can I say. Don't watch this in the vicinity of other people who don't watch it. Most of the fansubbers use the uncensored version (moar delicious), so the series gets veeeeery close to being called porn. Anyways, the characters (when clothed...and when not) are nice, but my favourite is (at the moment) Nanael, our wonderfully un-angelic angel. Anyways, her comment is probably very accurate of the series. To quote her, "...boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs!..." With naois girls, armour that looks like it serves pretty much no purpose other than keeping this from becoming porn, and some interesting abilities (Melona), and a strong cast of seiyuu, this series isn't that bad, once you get past the boobs, boobs, and more boobs. I have on gripe about the series though. It's slowly working on me though. I just don't really like Kugimiya Rie's role as Melona. I can get used to it, but I usually picture Kugimiyia's roles as flat chested tsundere lolis (Shana, Louise, ...Kagura?, Nagi), so having her as the buxom batshit crazy pink haired slime-girl Melona is kinda funky.
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