Awight, so I'll start with the happenings of yesterday
May 12 Free Block Frenzy!
Loitered around with Ed and Kev, and eventually went to 7 for some food. With a little bit more than half of the cafeteria closed due to the elections being held there, there wasn't really much to do. Anyways, we spotted Johnson hard at work for his CS teacher, gathering up bags of ice. Ed asked for one, and Johnson passed one to us. After slipping a few cubes down a sleeping Dennis' shirt, and an injury on Kev's part, we proceeded to stash the frigid bag in Jason's locker, where we hoped it would melt, and tip over, spilling it's contents inside his locker. I found a paper shuriken, and we glued it to his locker. xD Plan failed. D: It didn't spill, and Ed put a sponge in there, so a lot of it got soaked up. Boo
May 13 After School Antics!
Went through an unhappening Marketing Block after finishing a few things, including homework, what little batteries my PSP had, and a short lived youtube session. I went back onto youtube and watched Eli's Dirty Jokes. After Episode 32, I decided it'd be fun to go back and watch some of the older ones. And so I did. Karen came in while I was watching 31, and she didn't get it. I showed it to Eddy and John, and they burst out laughing. She's too innocent. She says we're corrupting her. Wait until you decide to have children, Karen.
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