Title: ツイてるカノジョ, Tsuiteru Kanojo
Author: Zappa Go (story), Fujima Takuya (art)
Genre: Seinen, Romance, Drama, Supernatural
Total Volumes: 2 (9 chapters)
Kenn's Comment: ;_; It's a nice story. Although I've read it a while back, I can still remember the happenings and stuff. It's a nice short read with the ability to give you that aching heart that comes from reading sad stories. The romance is quite nice too.
Summary from Mangaupdates:
Have you ever lost anything that was so precious to you, that if it were gone you wouldn't know what to do? For Otokawa Natsuru, that item is a keychain. Hearing from Kazama Miori, a fellow student with renowned psychic powers, that taking something precious can help with relationships, Natsuru takes her keychain on a date with childhood friend Yanagi Eitaro. But somewhere along the date, her precious keychain is lost...
I guess it's more of my style..don'tcha think? =P
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