Image by Minawa
July 18th:
My brother went with Staccy to a dog show, while I went with the rest of the family to a nearby mall. Nothing much there. Wanted to get souvenirs, but had no such luck. Lots of clothing shops, but that's pretty much all that's in there.
After the mall, we headed to the Trader's Village, a large open flea market. Tried to find souvenirs there, but again, had no such luck, unless people wanted Cowboys stuff...
Found my uncle working at one of the shops. Looks like lots of fun. Actually, nevermind.
Walked arond for hour with cousins and parents. The heat was unbearable. My mom got seperated from the group and my dad kept going, so we had to hunt for her after looking at the questionably cared for animals.
Found her and headed home. The heat in he ca was also a doozy. Good thing the AC is fixed at grandma's place.
At home for a bit before heading out to an aunt's restaurant for dinner. Lots and lots of fish. Not too fond f fish, but I have to say, one of the dishes was really good. Crystal's allergic to seafood and all, so she had a special plate that everyone else ate. "Everyone grab the beef before Crystal does!"
Anywho, sat around before heading home. raining out when I left. Stormin' when I got home. Thunder, lightning, wind and all!
Coming home, I got shafted and had so sit in the back of an SUV with Stacy. Not a fun ride. No problems with her, but the bumps along the road are unforgiving to your ass. =l
Anyways, nice storm. Don't see them often back in Vancouver. Lots of wind and rain. Lightning was there, but there wasn't much thunder. Nothing really to do.
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