Image by lapis
July 4:
So today, we went to a massive group of outlet centers in another city, San Antonio. It was a long 3 hour drive to get there. We had a short break mid way at a rest center halfway there. The washrooms are surprisingly clean for somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. Anyways, back on the road for another hour or so efore actually getting to the place. Upon arriving, you realize that ytou really are in Texas where everything is bigger. It was scorching out, so entering a store was like finding an oasis in a desert. Most stores had AC on, though some were colder than others. Zoo York had no AC. Sad face. Anyways, walked around, picked up 4 tees and a pair of jeans.
Probably not gonna find prices like these in the 604. Used up $130 between both me and my brother. Had a pretzel pizza thing for lunch. Twas good, minus the copious amounts of oil and grease visible. Had to hunt for the adults to try and get back home. My mom ended up at the car with my uncle first, while the rest of us hunted down the aunts and my mom. Had to wait a while because my overly delicate sister had a nosebleed because my mom's logic told her to wait in the sun. My cousin opted to ride with us because she couldn't take a baby crying for 3 hours. Somewhat of a tight squeeze in the back. Two guys and a gal. Enough room to sit, not enough room for my legs. The seats in front of us were too far back. Not fun.
Anywho, ended up with a short nosebleed due to the lack of liquids, fruits, vegetables, and the good dosage of cold, dry air, and hot humid air courtasy of the AC's in trhe house, stores and the hot weather outside. Crystal (cousin) stayed over again. Watched beach volley ball gold medal games on the tubular. They've got nice bodies, but their breasts are probably small due to their fat burning training. Those chicks are as tall or taller than me! Damn.
Anywho, gonna try and update and get rid of my backlog. Been keeping track of events on my Touch, so all my entries are already written. I'm such a geek.
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