Image by Chika (Orange Pop)
July 8th:
Level up!! Learned how to shave with a straight blade razor. Leaves a nice feeling. Close cut too. Didn't cut myself =D
Went out with four off my ocusins and my brother to the gaming center, Dave and Busters. tey're game selection isn't too awesome, but it's American ;D. Played Guantlet (oooold hack and slash) and Time Crisis 2 with my brother before splurging on the various prize machines, which give tickets, later to be exchanged for prizes. I hit a jackpot on one of the machines. Hell yeah. Didn't use my own money either. One of my cousin's put credit in, and walked away, so I gave it a smack and whaddya know. Anywho, we ended up with 7000+ tickets (that's a lot btw). Got chinese finger traps, those things that tighten as you pull. Gots a feeling that Ed will light'em up when someone'ss trying to get their finger out. Went to Jack in the Box after. almost didn't have enough cash to get anything. Good stuff there. Don't see any in the 604.
The children are acting up more often now. Kids arguing with each other over toys and territory. It's like watching Animal Planet (lol). My sister as especially gotten on my nerve these past days. She's turning out to be quite the sadist. I swear that girl is alpha male. Aggressive loud, and stubborn. =_=
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