July 9th:
Alrighty, so today we went to the wonderful zoo! First things first. The stuff that happened before it.
It started out like any other day. Sitting around playing on the psp, talking to cousins. Then my mom comes upstairs and tells me to get ready because we're going to the zoo. Cue the little kids trippin' up. Stacy (cousin) didn't want to go, but got dragged along anyways.
Went to Crystal's place to go fetch them against their will. Chilled there for a few minutes. Left once again to go to a store that sold the zoo tickets at a lower prices. Broiled in the car.
Broiled in the car on the ride there. Broiled on the walk from the parking lot. Got on a small train for a ride around a park. Tried to snap photos of Stacy, who doesn't regularly leave the house. A slight hikkikomori. It was a constest to see who could get the best photo.
Went into the aquarium where I wlked blind because I still had my shades on. Jellyfish are cool.
Next stop was the rain forest. Saw funky stuff there. Vultures cohabitating with ground squirrel. Baby squirrels zipping around everywhere. Saw turtles. I talked to one because it looked at me.
We went to the reptiles next, where I took lots of photos. Lots of snakes, lizard, and frogs. They had an albino crcodile. :'D
By now, walking in the outdoor was suicide. 'Twaws a blistering 110 Farenheit outside, about 40 celcius. After a while out there, you just want to flop.
Went to the kids' place where we watched otters swim enviably. We went to a petting zoo where you could brush goats. One was sitting in the shade, so I sat beside him. He's definitely the silent type. Wouldn't talk or answer me.
The final stop was the primates area. They've got the biggest allocation of space. Broiled in the sun some more. Reached an area with a fan. Oasis found!!
Discussed what to do next, and most agreed that home was a nice idea. Baked in the sun on the way back to the car. Stopped whereever we could find shade. Spent a while to get back to the car. Finally reached the car. Had to flush out intensely hot air out if the car. The ride back was hot and not fun. Thank you iTouch.
Later the rest of the folks went out to the pool where I opted to stay at home. My mom still had my PSP in her bag, so there wasn't too much for me to do. Used the Internet for a bit. My iTouch loads OneManga faster than the laptop. Awesome. 2 mpbs connection. Anyways got bored so I drew a map of Kennland. Nice stuff.
That's a wrap. Later.
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