Image by Kurafuji Sachi
After the Exam
After I got my iTouch back from Ivy, I followed her, where I put her bag of chips into the hook of my umbrella, and held it in front of her. She got a kick out of that. That girl stopped in the middle of the road while on her phone. Just because there aren't any cars, doesn't mean you should do something like that. Kids, don't try that at home. I followed Ivy to god knows where, but we ended up at Bobolink Park, where we, we as in Ivy, chased after Andy and Jeffrey in their car. We'd get closer, and they'd keep going forward. Eventually they stopped and got out to play a bit of hockey. I stole candy from Jeffrey. He bent my umbrella too. Anyways, Andy had to leave for dinner, and Jeffrey eventually left, so it was just me and Ivy. I played depressing music while telling morbid stories to her, along with cracking "that's what she said" jokes. She says I'm probably the most girly guy she knows.
1) I'm terrified of spiders, and scared of most insects
2) My nails are kinda long right now
Anyways, she played labyrinth and tap tap revenge for hours. My poor batteries. It was entertaining watching her fail at labyrinth. Someone she knew came by with their dog. She (the dog) was awesomely cute. Her coat was like a soft paint brush. I wanted to hug her, but I knew that wouldn't fly. I can hug my own dog at home. I did. Anyways, we were in that park for hours. Didn't leave til 8. It was cold. Took a wrong turn and ended up walking the long way home. Damn.
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