Alrighty folks, I'm back with the second part of Kenn's Room Tour. It's been a while, and my room's changed since I took these photos, but overall, it's still the same. Anyways, let's get this show on the road, shall we?

My closet. As you can see, it's stereotypically quite messy. Even if porn was hidden in there, I doubt even I'd be able to find it. Stuff from last year is still tucked away in there. I've got everything from a hidden cache of dried foods, to pieces of wood shoved in there. I try not to put too many things in there.

This is my drawer. It holds everything fro, clothes to stationary, games to books. On top of it is my filing thing, chock full of papers relating to piano and my

My lovely set of plushies. I made the lobster at the front five years ago. It's got terrible stitching, but I really like it. The octopus is from my brother, and the two air planes are from my sister.

My Gundams. There used to be 1/144th scale models here, but I replaced them with 1/100 scales. Maybe when I get a MG, I'll have it up there too. If you can't see them, its the Graham Flag Custom, 00 Gundam, and Red Astray Frame.

My two plants. Shortly after I took this photo, my bonsai was infested by gnats, so it's not there anymore. I've got a wax plant now, so I still have two plants. My fern has a new pot too.

A close up of my bed. My mom thinks my blanket is really feminine. Is it the orange floral design? You can see my plushies on there, as well as my totally awesome lamp to the right of the photo.

A close of up my awesome lamp. It's kid safe, so I can throw it around and stuff. It's on top of my rolling drawer, which holds school materials and stuff like that for easy access when I'm working.

My beloved electronics. Don't know what I'd do without them. They go with me everywhere to chase away them boring times. Aside from my computer, these two are the most expensive electronics I carry.

It's my watch. It's quite expensive, $440 to be exact. The clasp is bent out of shape, and the people at the nearby watch repair shop say they can't repair it. They say to send it to a specialist.
Sad face.
And that's a wrap! I'll probably do an entry on my electronics, but that's another story. Later!
zomfgar. lobster buddies foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. cause we be ballin' like that.
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