Title: 東京マグニチュード8.0, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Genre: Drama
Animation Studio: BONES, Kinema Citrus
Airs: 07/09 24:45
Kenn's Comment: Hey. It's a BONES series. What can get better? The only thing that comes close is a SHAFT or KyoAni series. Anyways, the people over at BONES said that this is supposed to replicate realistic situations should an earthquake of that magnitude hit Japan. Realistic anime!
Suammry from Wikipedia:
The series is set in Tokyo after an earthquake measuring 8.0 magnitude on the Richter scale shakes the city's foundations and landscape, resulting in the Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge and other noted landmarks falling. It will follow siblings Mirai and Yutaka, who were visiting a robot exhibition on Odaiba on the occasion of their summer holidays having just begun, as they struggle to reach their mother in their house in Setagaya, assisted by a female motorcycle deliverer named Mari.
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