Title: ヨコハマ買い出し紀行, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, YKK
Author: Ashinano Hitoshi
Genre: Seinen, Slice of Life, Drama, Science Fiction
Total Volume Count: 14
Kenn's Comment: I think this kind of series takes a certain level of maturity to truly enjoy it to it's fullest. People who stand-by generic-high action shounen will probably hate this. It's a great series, and is up in the high ranks of manga, along with GTO.
Summary from MangaUpdates:
This is the story of Alpha Hasseno, an Alpha 7 M2 series robot. Left by her owner, she appears and acts fully human while running a small coffee shop named Cafe Alpha. It is a light-hearted story about the people Alpha comes into contact with behind the backdrop of a futuristic country-side in Japan. As we meet Alpha, she makes a shopping trip to Yokohama.
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