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Sorry guys, but a bunch of the series didn't have the trailers up, so you'll have to make do with this. xD It covers everything though, so it's a bit redundant.
That's the list provided.
00:00 うみねこのなく頃に(Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
01:30 CANAAN
02:02 東京マグニチュード8.0(Tokyo Magnitude 8.0)
02:50 大正野球娘。(Taishou Baseball Girls)
03:16 懺・さよなら絶望先生(Zan: Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei)
03:32 宙のまにまに(Sora no Manimani)
04:46 かなめも(Kanamemo)
05:37 エレメントハンター(Element Hunter)
06:37 よくわかる現代魔法(Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou)
07:08 冬のソナタ(Fuyu no Sonata)
07:35 プリンセスラバー(Princess Lover)
07:53 青い花(Aoi Hana)
08:25 うみものがたり(Umimonogatari)
09:15 化物語(Bakemonogatari)
10:04 生徒会の一存(Seitokai no Ichizon)
10:17 狼と香辛料Ⅱ(Spice and Wolf Ⅱ)
10:23 GA 芸術科アートデザインクラス(GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class)
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