Image by shiranagi masa
Another day of hunting @ Jason's. More after the jump.
Hoo. Left at around 1:40 again today, and got to Jason's at 2 something. Grabbed Church's instead of KFC this time around. Spicy Thigh Sandwich burned =(.
Anyways, while waiting for Ed to arrive, we hunted stuff, and completed my Rathalos X armour, and tried to complete my Tigrex greatsword, but them tigrex are real annoying. Hunted them for a while, actually hunted them until Ed came, and hunted them again with three people. Made it a whole lot easier. Got my stuff, and made my sword. It's currently the strongest great sword I have.
After the tigrex runs, we went on to hunt Diablos and other things Ed needed. Pink rathian (G Rank) in less then five minutes anyone?
Had some Chinese food for dinner. This lifestyle can't be good for me. xD At last I had lots of water?
Finished up by killing a Yama Tsukami. Walked home at around 1:10.
Will have the Song of the Week and Weekly Vocaloid Feature up shortly.
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