Image by toru tooru
Another day at the night market. Will be there again tomorrow. ^^" Working all weekend. More after the jump.
One of my cousins had his "day-off" today, so it was me, my brother and my cousin (I have two older cousins), and my uncle. Later on, my cousin's friend came over to helps.
It got pretty hectic, with sandwich orders coming in constantly, while we tried to replenish stocks of salad rolls. Eventually ran out of supplies for certain things, so we stopped selling them.
Talked a bit funny today, using various accents. Ahaha, was bored and tired. The stall across from us has a cat. Super cute. I want a cat. xD Anywho, that's all, and I'll see y'all tomorrow morning for a Manga of ze Week, which I'm still trying to think of.
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