Title: Bloody Monday, ブラッディ・マンデイ
Author: Ryuumon Ryou (story), Megumi Kouji (art)
Genre: Shounen, Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Serialized in: Kodansha Weekly Shounen Magazine
Total Volume Count: 11 + Ver.0
Kenn's comment: Pretty good if I do say so myself. The plot really doesn't sit still for a chapter, so it keeps you on your toes in terms of trying to figure things out. While the story is about a genius, it's not like Death Note, where Light pretty much can handle everything because he's calm, cool and collected. The main character in this makes mistakes that a human would, and I've seen reviews saying that the manga sucked because of that. I bet they were hard core Death Note fans.
Summary from MangaUpdates:
A virus deal clinched in Russia on the Christmas eve. Purpose: unknown. Two clues: a mysterious lady "Maya," who is one of the gangsters, and "Bloody Monday," the keyword for the project.
Then an incident happened in far-distant city of Tokyo. Fujimaru Takagi, a second year student at Mishiro Gakuin high school, is commissioned to find out the truth by the Public Security Intelligence Agency, for his great ability as a super hacker. Now, Maya approaches Fujimaru as his high school teacher...
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