Image by i→r
Aights y'all, I've been walking (don't has car) down memory lane, when I came across one of my childhood faves. The Power Rangers! Also known as the Super Sentai in Japan, where it originated. Over here in North America, I'd say that the best one was the second season of Might Morphin' Power Rangers. The Thunderzord was probably the best of the 3. Coolest of them all. The Ninjazord was funky. Anywho, the White Ranger rocks. The North American version of the super sentai series doesn't exactly match up, and mixes a whole bunch of the Japanese series together. The first 3-4 seasons of Power Rangers were the best. The rest of them just went down hill and got worse and worse. Especially after Adam and Tommy left the crew. They were the best.
All the openings of the Zordon era Power Rangers.
Yes. The song for the first three seasons was awesome. The drums and guitarists are awesome. The only thing that I had a problem with was the vocalist. He sucked ass. Get someone better up there pl0x. Keep the band though.
On another note, the Thunderbirds are awesome too. Used to watch it all the time. Even before the Power Rangers. Yes, I'm that old. They were awesome, and the Hollywood rendition didn't do this justice.
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