Went to Jason's for some gaming and fun today. More on the day after the jump.
Alrighty, so today I went to Jason's place (first time in a long time) to hunt (play Monster Hunter). While I was there, I figured it'd be a good time to give him the souvenirs I got him from Texas. The photo up there is pretty much what I got him. I also got him a Texas Card, a joke item that's pretty much like "I've Been to Texas" thing. Anywho, had a little fun with the finger trap, figuring out ways to get your fingers out without using any outside forces, so no other fingers other than the ones stuck in the trap. His fingers are pretty small, so it was a bit easier for him.
From Japan, Jason brought back a bunch of stuff, and I got to pick what I wanted. Had the choice between bottle cap dudes, or the Mugen beer. As you can see, I went with the Mugen beer. Wahaha, it's pretty fun, but I can't let my younger cousins play with it. I showed it to him and he was pulling the tab like there was no tomorrow. =="
Extra video here. Blogger doesn't like videos uploaded to Photobucket. =l
Anywho, went to KFC to grab lunch, because every hunter needs to be well fed before heading out. Hunted for 4-5 hours before we ran out of things to do. Went on the net, watched a few College Humour things. Hilarious stuff. Read a bit of manga, and then headed home.
My younger cousins are very loud. Watching TV with them just makes me want to pump the volume. Chilled with the dog for a bit. Day end o:
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